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Orheiul Vechi ( Butuceni ) and the Saharna Monastery (excursion prices at the bottom of the page)


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This visit is led by Alfredo Ferrari

09:00 Meeting with the guide and departure by "deluxe" minibus for the archaeological-museum complex of Orheiul Vechi and its rock monasteries (Location of Butuceni and Trebujeni)
10.00 am Arrival in Butuceni and meeting with the local guide, short visit to the ethnographic museum. Visit to the rock monasteries of Pestere and Bosie. Followed by a visit to the "Gospodaria traditionala taraneasca" (ancient traditional country house)
12.00 Transfer by minibus to the village of Trebujeni with visit to the ruins of the "Federeu", the ancient thermal bath, ascent to the tuff caves of Trebujeni with a general panoramic view of the Orheiul Vechi valley and the Raut river. Caves, caves, hills, sites, necropolises and ancient hermits. The whole history of Moldova is here, in Orheiul Vechi - an open-air museum complex where the first inhabitants settled around 40,000 years ago
1.00pm Transfer to a traditional restaurant in the area for lunch.
2.30pm Departure for Saharna monastery
3.45 pm Arrival at the village of Saharna and visit to the "Sfinta Treime" monastery and the "Bunavestirea" rock monastery
4.15pm Walk along the path of the "Saharna" stream, visit to the Geto-Dacia acropolis and the waterfalls
6.30pm Departure for the return to Chisinau
8.00pm Arrival in the city. End of our services



The village of Saharna, located 7 km from the town of Rezina, is located along the Nistru River. Here stands perhaps the most beautiful and richest monastery in the entire Republic of Moldova, a destination for thousands of pilgrims and not only... in fact Saharna is not just a complex of monasteries but a real natural reserve which also includes the stream of the same name which runs along its tortuous course forms a total of 22 waterfalls of rare beauty! The largest of them is called "Groapa Tiganului" translated as Gypsy Pit... 4 meters high, 6 meters wide with a vortex of water 10 meters deep!


The Saharna Monastery (Sfinta Treime - SS. Trinità) includes two churches (the summer basilica and the winter basilica), the superior's house, the monks' dormitories and a refectory mainly made of wood. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, it was destroyed and rebuilt in stone, surrounded by harmonious gardens and surrounded by about twenty small but beautiful waterfalls. Outside the perimeter walls of the monastery there is the Sacred Source (also called Source of Miracles - Izvorul Minunilor) where pilgrims bathe even in the winter months as a sign of devotion. Continuing along the path that runs alongside the Saharna stream you reach the rock monastery of the Annunciation (Bunavestire) dating back to the 12th century. The documents concerning the monastery date back to the year 1495, while archaeological excavations reveal that around the monastery there were two necropolises from the seventh century BC. On a hill, near the Nistru River, there are the remains of two towns with an aqueduct made of clay pipes. In the centuries BC, this location was populated by commercial populations, Byzantines, Greeks and Romans. Subsequently, in the centuries before and after Christ, there were numerous wars of the Huns, the Tartars and the Ottomans. The village of Saharna, over a millennium old, has always had benevolent and hospitable people; this is due to the glorious past traditions. In the monastic area of Saharna there is also a Geto-Dacian acropolis dating back to the 6th-3rd centuries BC. To reach it you have to follow the path that passes some waterfalls along the stream.

Excursion time:
Every day with departure at 09.00 from your hotel or accommodation in Chisinau
Number of participants
2 people
3 people
4 people
5/6 people
not included
not included
not included
not included
not included
Price per person
For telephone reservations (or for Whatsapp - Viber contacts) you can contact the number 00373-79679434.
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